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- 66th Annual Research Day
- Annual Research Day Poster Presenters (2024)
Annual Research Day Poster Presenters (2024)
- F - Fellow
- G - Graduate
- MS - Medical Student
- R - Resident
- RF- Research Fellow
- S - Staff
- VSRP - Vision Science Research Program
- Jarryl Uy (G) - Modelling the Impact of the Autism Gene SCN2A on Retinal Development Using Human Stem Cell-Derived Organoid Models
- Angelica Hanna (MS) - Virtual Follow-Ups after Cataract Surgery: A Systematic Review
- Brendan Tao (MS) - Intracameral Moxifloxacin Prophylaxis for Postoperative Endophthalmitis: Dose Optimization for Posterior Capsular Rupture and Secondary IOL Cases
- Carmen Balian (S) - Preoperative Fasting for Ambulatory Cataract Surgery: A Time-Interrupted Prospective Randomized Study (The PRACTICE Study)
- Danielle Solish (MS) - Sex Disparities in Operating Room Utilization among Cataract Surgeons: A 10-Year Retrospective Population-Based Analysis
- Kathrine Bhargava (G) - Elevated inflammatory cytokines in the aqueous humor of glaucoma patients undergoing endothelial keratoplasty
- Narisa Dhupar (VSRP) - Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) Mediated Expression of Bcl-xL Attenuates Apoptosis in Human Corneal Endothelial Cells
- Ness Little (G) - Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) Mediated Expression of Bcl-xL Attenuates Apoptosis in Human Corneal Endothelial Cells
- Prem Nichani (R) - Bilateral Corneal Perforation Secondary to Immunotherapy for Metastatic Melanoma
- Prem Nichani (R) - The Use of Artificial Intelligence Software in Cornea Clinics
- Waleed Alsarhani (R) - Povidone-iodine in the Treatment of Infectious Keratitis: A Systematic Review
Epidemiology/Public Health
- Angelica Huang (MS) - Socioeconomic Status and Access to Vision Care in Canada
- Angelica Huang (MS) - Socioeconomic Status and Visual Impairment and Ocular Disease in Canada
- Chijindu Ukagwu (MS) - Non-mydriatic fundus Photography for the Evaluation of Patients with Vision Loss in Canadian Emergency Settings
- Chris Zajner (MS) - Disparities in Vision-related Functional Impairments Among Adults in the United States
- Jim Xie (MS) - Sex or Gender Reporting in Ophthalmology Clinical Trials Among United States Food and Drug Administration Approvals Between 1995-2022
- Kiko Zi Yi Huang (G) - Eye Care Utilization Trends in Ontario's Public Healthcare System: A 20-Year, Retrospective, Population-based Analysis
- Kiko Zi Yi Huang (G) - Utilization of Eye-Care Providers by Ontario Residents in 2019: A Population-based Study
- Nikki Rousta (R) - Visual Impairment and Unmet Ophthalmic Needs of Afghan Refugees in Toronto and the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area
- Omer Jamal (G) - Examining the Influence of Social Determinants on Medical Visit Attendance, Emergency Visits, and Clinical Outcomes Among Children with Eye Cancer: A Retrospective Analysis
- Ryan Huang (MS) - Eye Examinations and Sociodemographic Factors: A Retrospective Population-Based Analysis
- Arya Zarrinbakhsh (G) - Microgravity and Vision: Investigating Intraocular Pressure Variations and Potential Consequences for Astronauts
- Babishaa Sauntharrajan (G) - Mapping the Drainage Pathway from the Suprachoroidal Space: Evidence of Lymphatic Routing and Implications for Therapeutic Delivery in the Eye
- Diego Rocatti-Ortiz (F) - Preeliminary results for the PIPS (Peripheral Iridectomy Position Study): A Randomized Controlled Trial Investigating Optimal Laser Peripheral Iridectomy Placement
- Jenny Zhang (VSRP) - The Early Transcriptomic Landscape of Pressure-Induced Optic Nerve Heads in ex-vivo Organotypic Human Eyes
- Kiko Zi Yi Huang (G) - Prevalence of glaucoma in Canada: Results from the 2016-2019 Canadian Health Measures Survey
- Li Yan (VSRP) - Using Fused Data from Perimetry and Optical Coherence Tomography to Improve the Detection of Visual Field Progression in Glaucoma
- Nishanthini Karuppiah (F) - A comparative study of surgical outcomes of excisional goniotomy using the Kahook Dual Blade (KDB) combined with phacoemulsification (KDB-phaco group) in mild glaucoma vs standalone KDB group in severe glaucoma after failed glaucoma surgeries.
- Patrick Xiang Ji (MS) - Progression of Primary Angle Closure Suspects: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Runjie (Bill) Shi (VSRP) - Glaucoma home monitoring with the Toronto Portable Perimeter (TPP): two-year compliance and repeatability results
- Tahani Baakdhah (RF) - Developing a retinal ganglion cell organoid enrichment protocol for glaucoma research and therapeutics
- Taylor Lukasik (R) - Effect of 10.0 Nylon Ripcord on Outflow Facility of the PreserFlo® MicroShunt
Malpractice in Ophthalmology
- Loukman Ghouti (MS) - Navigating the Medico-Legal Challenges of Ophthalmology: Insights, Impacts, and Recommendations
Mathematical and Computational Ophthalmology
- Juan Liyau (G) - Advanced Open-Source Machine Learning Tool for Hyperspectral Fluorescence Imaging in Ophthalmology
- Abdullah El-Sayes (MS) - Restricted diffusion in bilateral septic superior ophthalmic vein thrombosis
- Chun Hin Chow (G) - Vesicular dysfunction in oligodendrocytes causes inflammatory demyelination in the central nervous system
- Irina Sverdlichenko (MS) - Macular optical coherence tomography findings in patients with syphilitic optic neuropathy – A case series and systematic review
- Jim Xie (MS) - Radiological predictors of visual outcome in myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein-related optic neuritis
- Kirill Zaslavsky (R) - Efficacy of intra-arterial or intravenous thrombolytic therapy versus conservative standard therapy for central retinal artery occlusion: an individual patient data meta-analysis
- Mariam Issa (R) - Analysis of diplopia referrals in a tertiary neuro-ophthalmology center
Retina and Vitreous
- Alexandra Nitoiu (VSRP) - IFT57 May Cause Bardet-Biedl Syndrome with Retinal Dystrophy
- Alicia N. Harracksing (VSRP) - Profiling the Visual System of Lymnaea Stagnalis as a Novel Model for Investigating Photoreceptive Behaviours and Retinal Processing in Invertebrates.
- Aminat Adama (VSRP) - Investigating Early Transcriptional Targets of Neuroprotective LXB4 in Neuronal Injury Models
- Andrew Mihalache (MS) - Stretch-Induced Foveal Ectopia (SIFE/Displacement) Following Retinal Detachment Repair: A Novel Assessment Using Spectral-Domain Optical Coherence Tomography
- Andrew Mihalache (MS) - Interpretation of Clinical Retinal Images Using an Artificial Intelligence Chatbot
- Andrew Mihalache (MS) - Quantitative Assessment of Retinal Vasculature Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Analysis of Fluorescein Angiography in Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- Anna Tran (MS) - Perspectives on Efficacy and Safety of Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (Anti-VEGF) Biosimilars in the Treatment of Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration (nAMD)
- Arshia Eshtiaghi (R) - Artificial Intelligence Chatbot Knowledge on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Common Retinal Disorders
- Aswen Sriranganathan (MS) - Anti-Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Treatment Outcomes in Macular Telangiectasia: A Systematic Review
- Bhadra Pandya (MS) - The Association Between Retinal Thickness Fluctuations and Visual Outcomes Following Anti-VEGF Therapy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Bhadra Pandya (MS) - Retinal Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging Biomarkers in Retina
- Brendan Tao (MS) - Evolution of Asymptomatic Pentosan Polysulfate Maculopathy Following Medication Discontinuation: A Case Report
- Brendan Tao (MS) - Differential Characteristics in Enrollment in Age-Related Macular Degeneration Clinical Trials: A Cross-Sectional Study
- Brendan Tao (MS) - Comparison of Intravitreal Corticosteroids for Management of Diabetic Macular Edema: A Scoping Review of Long-Term Randomized Trials
- Brianna Lu (MS) - Assessing Retinal Vascular Leakage with Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA) and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
- Carmen Balian (S) - Macular Retinal Ganglion Cell Thickness After Ischaemic Stroke, With and Without Visual Pathway Involvement
- Isabela Martins Melo (F) - Assessment and Classification of Proliferative Vitreoretinopathy in Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment with Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography: A Novel Conceptual Framework
- Michele Zaman (MS) - Association Between Sociodemographic, Clinical Access, and Regional Factors with Diabetic Retinopathy in the National Health Interview Survey: A Cross-sectional, Population-Based Analysis
- Lauren Pickel (MS) - Roller coasters and retinal detachment
- Deepika Parameswarappa (F) - Structural and Functional Retinal Phenotype in Mucopolysaccharidosis Type I Hurler and I Hurler- Scheie
- Cassandra D'Amata (S) - A human chimeric retinal organoid model for studying donor-host cell interactions in cell therapies for USH2A-associated retinitis pigmentosa
- Chidalu Edechi (MS) - The Mini-steamroll: A modified abbreviated variation of the steamroller maneuver following pneumatic retinopexy for rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with large superior breaks
- David Mikhail (MS) - Comparing the Multimodal Performance of ChatGPT and Gemini Pro in Retinal Image Interpretation
- Farbod Khorrami (G) - In vivo Imaging of an ALS Mouse Model Reveals Progressive and Sex-Dependent Retinal Changes
- Jessica Wang (G) - CRB1 Mutation in Human Retinal Organoids Alters Photoreceptor Development
- Justin Grad (MS) - Treatments for Retinal Artery Occlusion: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Layla Ahmed (G) - Investigating Missing Heritability in Inherited Retinal Dystrophy
- Mengjia Huang (VSRP) - SNAP-25, but not SNAP-23, is essential for photoreceptor development, survival, and function in mice
- Michal Syonov (VSRP) - A dual role for the HFE2 protein in retinal angiogenesis
- Michele Zaman (MS) - Postoperative Aniseikonia in Patients with Unilateral Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment: A Systematic Review
- Miguel Cruz Pimental (F) - In Vivo Assessment of Cystoid Changes in Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment Using Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography
- Peter Hong (G) - Interrogation of Rhodopsin Structural Stability and Cytotoxic Chromophore Release
- Ryan Huang (MS) - Prediction of Visual Acuity Improvement in Response to Ranibizumab in Age-Related Macular Degeneration Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Analysis of Fluorescein Angiography
- Ryan Huang (MS) - Association of Artificial Intelligence-Based Quantitative Fluorescein Angiography Measurements with Clinical Parameters in Patients with Diabetic Macular Edema
- Ryan Mason (R) - Retinal Displacement Following Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Safwan Tayeb (R) - Macular Hole Associated Retinal Detachment in High Myopic Patients: Case series and Overview of a Novel Surgical TechniqueMacular Hole Associated Retinal Detachment in High Myopic Patients: Case series and Overview of a Novel Surgical Technique
- Seyedeh Sara Fooladi (G) - Harnessing the potential of mammalian retinal Müller glia to regenerate cone photoreceptors
- Steven Chen (VSRP) - Pathogenic variants of a visual protein constrain mutational pathways in genotype space
- Sumana Naidu (R) - Morphologic Stages of Full-Thickness Macular Hole Assessed with Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography
- Yasmin Motekalem (MS) - Long-Term Re-Detachment Rates of Pneumatic Retinopexy versus Pars Plana Vitrectomy in Retinal Detachment: a PIVOT Post-Hoc Analysis
Ocular Oncology
- Andrew Yim (G) - Elucidating the underlying mechanisms of unique TEAD interactomes across distinct target-gene specificity in YAP binary classes
- Benjamin Host (F) - Uncertain heritable risk in retinoblastoma probands: Classification of genetic testing results for risk stratification and screening
- Huda Ahmedhussain (F) - Correlation of High-Risk Histopathology Features in Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Retinoblastoma
- Mojtaba Abrishami (F) - Reirradiation with External Beam Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Recurrent Posterior Choroidal Melanoma After Brachytherapy
- Anne Xuan-Lan Nguyen (R) - Geographic and Sociodemographic Perspectives on Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Providers in the United States
- Jenny Ma (R) - Comparison of ChatGPT and Gemini in surgical planning for orbitotomy
Ophthalmic Pathology
- Shayaan Kaleem (MS) - Comparative Analysis of Bacterial vs Culture-Negative Endophthalmitis
Paediatric and Strabismus
- Alexandria Amadasun (MS) - Focused Ultrasound and Microbubbles for Controlled Release of Circulating Cancer Biomarkers for Retinoblastoma: a Safety and Feasibility Assessment
- Anne Merrylees Dersch (F) - Social Determinants of Health and Visual Outcomes in Pediatric Cataract
- Bhadra Pandya (MS) - Automated Detection of Retinoblastoma Tumour and Treatment Response Using Optical Coherence Tomography
- Mohab Eldeeb (R) - Biofeedback Training for improving visual functions in children with nystagmus: a short-and-long term analysis