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2022-04-08 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Cataracts: preoperative evaluation & History of cataract surgery and IOLs AND Paediatric lens diseases and cataract surgery
2022-04-01 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Cataract surgery: techniques, phacodynamics AND Cataract surgery in special situations, advanced IOL techniques
2022-03-25 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Basic science, embryology AND Cataracts: pathology, classification, epidemiology
2022-03-11 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Phakomatoses/Angiomatous tumors AND Disease of the Viteous, trauma and vitreoretinal surgery
2022-03-04 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Congenital, hereditary retinal disease and choroidal dystrophies, garden variety retinal disease AND Posterior segment tumors: RB, lymphoma, leukemia, choroidal melanoma, osteoma
2022-02-25 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - En Face OCT: Insights into the PathoAnatomy of Macular Disease AND Peripheral retinal abnormalities and the concept of laser therapy
2022-02-18 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Retinopathy of Prematurity, PHPV and Paediatric Retina Cases AND Update on Retinal Vascular Disease
2022-02-04 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Know your retina Anatomy
2022-01-28 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Special form of Strabismus
2022-01-21 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Amblyopia, case based discussions
2022-01-14 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Exodeviations, Surgical Management of Strabismus
2022-01-07 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Anatomy of the EOMs and Motor/Sensor Physiology, Exodeviation, A-V Patterns and Monofixation Syndrome
2021-12-17 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - History, physical and testing for pediatrics AND Congenital ocular motor abnormalities
2021-11-19 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Medical legal perspectives from the CMP
2021-11-05 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Physician Advocacy & Collaboration AND EDI Principles, concepts and terminology
2021-10-29 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - OHIP Billing 101, Career guidance Subspecialty vs. Comprehensive, Academic vs. Community, Solo vs. Group
2021-10-01 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Eyelids 2 and 3
2021-09-24 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Orbit 2 and 3 and Ocularistry
2021-09-03 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Orbit Part I AND Eyelids
2021-07-09 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - On-call essentials and How to get your paper accepted
2021-06-18 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Oculoplastics on call
2021-06-11 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Grafts Gone Wild: Corneal Transplants & their Complications
2021-06-04 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Retinal detachment repair, Dislocated IOL repair, Treatment of submacular hemorrhage & Retina cases
2021-05-28 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Approach to Open Globe Repair
2021-05-07 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Dense cataract, white cataract, small pupil, high myope/post pars plans vitrectomy AND what to do when the capsule breaks
2021-04-23 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Childhood Glaucoma's
2021-04-09 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Surgical Management
2021-03-26 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Medical and Laser Treatment
2021-03-12 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Open Angle Glaucoma and Clinical Evaluation AND Optic Nerve Imaging
2021-03-05 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Closed Angle and Secondary Glaucoma
2021-02-26 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Corneal dystrophies and degenerations, metabolic disorders
2021-02-19 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Congenital disorders of the external eye and corneal: Dermoids, blue sclera, birth trauma, CHED, etc...
2021-02-12 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Refractive Surgery
2021-02-05 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Microbial keratitis: Betting the bugs in 2021!, The Cornea in Atopic and Vernal keratoconjunctivitis, Herpes Virus and the cornea, Herpes simplex and its treatment
2021-01-29 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Anatomy, diagnostic examination, dry eyes, Immune mediated disorders
2021-01-22 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Infectious external eye and corneal disease (include neonatorum conjunctivitis)
2021-01-08 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Magnification, Telescopes, Low Vision, IOL calculations
2020-12-11 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Geometric Optics
2020-11-27 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Optics of Human Eye, Clinic Refraction& Refractive Surgery
2020-11-20 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Physical Optics et al.
2020-10-23 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - White dot syndrome & Panuveitis AND Pediatric Uveitis
2020-10-16 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Anterior Uveitis, Episcleritis,& Scleritis AND Intermediate uveitis
2020-10-08 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Immunology for Ophthalmologists and Approach to Uveitis Diagnosis and Treatment
2020-10-02 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Headaches and Facial Pain, Functional Visual Loss AND NEURO BLOCK EXAM (UofT residents only)
2020-09-25 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Transient Visual Loss, Higher Cortical Hallucinations/Illusions AND Nystagmus - AAO5
2020-09-18 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Pupil Abnormalities AND Optic neuritis, AAO Manual 5
2020-09-11 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Supranuclear Disorders of Ocular Motility AND Inferonuclear Disorders of Ocular Motility
2020-08-21 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Uveitis Cases Not to Miss
2020-08-14 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - When to call neuro-ophthalmology. Cases for a new resident year
2020-08-07 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - IMT and Pregnancy/ interesting cases
2020-07-31 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Optics Review
2020-07-10 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - So you want to do a fellowship abroad? AND “Don’t miss” diagnoses in pediatric ophthalmology – Case-based review
2020-06-26 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Penetrating eye trauma. Getting the most from fellowship
2020-06-12 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - What I have learnt from ocular genetics rotation at Sickkids Hospital - Discussion of cases
2020-06-05 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Demystifying the Peripheral Retina
2020-05-29 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Glaucoma and Imaging. Angle Closure and/or Topography & Cross-linking
2020-05-22 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Review of Neuro-Anatomy Through Clinical Cases
2020-05-15 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - An approach to vertical strabismus: It is not a black box! AND Differential diagnosis of abnormal head postures in children: A simplified approach
2020-05-08 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Refractive surgery, update on IOL’s and FLACS
2020-05-01 UofT DOVS Resident Teaching - Peripheral retinal abnormalities and the concepts of laser therapy