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Chair and Vice-Chairs

Dr. Allan Slomovic
The role of the Vice-Chair Education is to maintain a clear vision of education and training priorities for the Department of Ophthalmology & Vision Sciences. The Vice-Chair monitors current practices and, as a key advisor to the Chair, develops and recommends short- and long-term strategic goals to ensure supports are in place for medical education, residency training, fellowship training and continuing professional development (CPD) at a very high standard.

Dr. Valerie Wallace
The Vice-Chair Basic Research works with the Vice-Chair Clinical Research to enhance and promote the quality and profile of the department's many research initiatives. The Vice-Chair also plays an important role organizing the department's Faculty and Trainee Research Day and maintaining relationships with the Vision Science Research Program of the Faculty of Medicine as well as the many Research Institutes that house our vision researchers.

Dr. Rajeev Muni
Dr. Rajeev Muni has been a staff Vitreoretinal Surgeon at St. Michael's Hospital, The Hospital for Sick Children and the Kensington Eye Institute for the past eight years. Dr. Muni completed his residency in ophthalmology at the University of Toronto followed by a fellowship in Vitreoretinal Surgery. He was awarded a Detweiler Fellowship from the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada for advanced training in Paediatric Vitreoretinal Surgery at the University of Southern California.
Dr. Radha Kohly
The Vice-Chair Clinical Affairs oversees and ensures coordination and delivery of quality clinical education at the undergraduate and post-graduate level. As well as considering resident and fellow training objectives, the Vice-Chair Clinical oversees the department's various areas of specialized clinical service - Cornea and Anterior Segment, Glaucoma, Neuro-Ophthalmology, Ocuplastics, Ophthalmic Pathology, Paediatric & Strabismus, Retina & Vitreous, and Uveitis.
Dr. Nupra Bakshi
The role of the Vice Chair of Faculty Development (FD), Diversity and Equity and Global Health is to develop and oversee programs to promote these three areas. In FD, programs for Faculty will be developed, in areas such as mentorship, teaching, health and wellness, promotions, leadership and programs specific to stage-of-career, with the goal of providing Faculty with the support and skills necessary to reach their full potential. The area of Diversity and Equity involves hosting and supporting events specific to under-represented groups within DOVS and to ensure representation is considered in the Department.
Dr. Kylen McReelis