Neuro-Ophthalmology - Research Fellowship


Dr. Jonathan Micieli, Fellowship Director
Dr. Edward Margolin

Contact Information

Dr. Jonathan Micieli        


Kensington Eye Institute


Neuro-ophthalmology as a subspecialty that involves the interplay between vision and the central nervous system.  The purpose of the neuro-ophthalmology fellowship program will be to study optic neuropathies, cranial neuropathies and various other conditions. The main diseases of interest are idiopathic intracranial hypertension, ischemic optic neuropathy and optic neuritis.

Fellowship Objectives

The objective of the fellowship will be to perform prospective or large retrospective clinical studies that will have an impact on clinical practice.  The University of Toronto neuro-ophthalmology program has a large database of patients with diverse neuro-ophthalmic diseases.  There will be regular meetings and presentations during the year.

Admission Requirements

Individuals who have completed medical school or residency training in ophthalmology or neurology are eligible for the fellowship.  International applicants will be considered.

Duration and Scope of Fellowship

The fellowship will consist of a minimum of 12 months of regular research in neuro-ophthalmology. There will be an opportunity to observe clinical patients in clinic, especially as it pertains to the research project.

Weekly Schedule

The weekly schedule is flexible and will include time for data collection, analysis and regular meetings with the research staff.  There will be an opportunity to interact with ophthalmology residents and medical students.

Other Requirements

The fellow will be required to complete at least 1 large research project and 1 clinical case report and neuro-ophthalmology.y thereafter