The Department has a very broad base, enhanced by collaborations in other University of Toronto basic science and clinical departments, as well as by cross-appointed faculty from York, McMaster, Western Ontario and the University of Waterloo.
The major foci include:
Biomaterials: M. Shoichet
Corneal transplant; Tissue preservation: W. Dixon, D. Rootman, A. Slomovic
Epidemiology and Biostatistics: Y. Jin
Glaucoma: Basic Mechanisms and Therapeutics: I. Ahmed, C Birt, Y. Buys, F. Feldman, J. Flanagan, N. Gupta, E. Héon, B. Khan, C. Kranemann, G. Trope, D. Yan, Y. Yücel
Molecular Genetics of Eye Disease: R. Bremner, B. Gallie, E Héon, P. Monnier
Neuro Ophthalmology: E. Ing, E. Margolin, A. Wong
Normal and Abnormal Visual Development: R. Buncic, M. Eizenman, SP. Kraft, T. Lewis, M. Steinbach, C. Westall, A. Wong
Ocular Complications in AIDS: A. Berger, C. Schwartz
Ocular Drug Delivery Systems: D.S. Rootman, G. Trope
Ocular Motor Control Mechanisms: M. Eizenman, E. Irving, M. Steinbach, A. Wong
Ocular Pathology: D. Howarth, Y. Yücel
Ocular Tumors: F. Altomare, S. Boyd, B. Gallie, M. Kazdan, H. McGowan, C. Pavlin, R. Simpson, H. TanzerOculoplastics: D. DeAngelis, J. Hurwitz, J. Oestreicher, R. Pashby, N. Tucker
Visual Psychophysics: R. Buncic, J. Flanagan, T. Lewis, D. Regan, M. Steinbach, G. Trope, J. Tsotsos, C. Westall, F. Wilkinson, A. Wong
Retinopathies: S. Boyd, M. Brent, R. Devenyi, M. Easterbrook, P. Harvey, C. Hudson,P. Kertes, W.C. Lam, M. Mandelcorn, D. Wong
Refractive Structures (Cornea and Lens) Refraction: I. Ahmed, B. Lubek, S. Markowitz, J. Parker, R. Stein