Apr 9, 2021  |  7:30am - 8:30am
Grand Rounds / VPP

Grand Rounds / VPP - Handling those Friday Night Eyelid & Orbital Trauma Cases

DOVS Grand Rounds / VPP

Topic: Handling those Friday Night Eyelid & Orbital Trauma Cases
Speaker: Dr. Harmeet Gill

Zoom Link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89736621686?pwd=Vi9SY1VZNTkzNEhHY2prdW41MVk5UT09
Passcode: 3jiGG3

1. Review the management principles for common eyelid trauma cases.
2. Discuss basic oculoplastic suturing techniques to repair eyelid lacerations.
3. Outline the examination and triage for orbitofacial trauma cases.