Jan 29, 2021  |  7:30am - 8:30am
Grand Rounds / VPP

Grand Rounds/Visiting Professor - Quality Improvement

DOVS Grand Rounds / Visiting Professor

Topic - Quality Improvement Rounds:
1. Reducing last minute cataract surgery cancellations

2. Where have all my IIH patients gone?
3. Improving periorbital oncology wait times

Speaker - Drs. Stephanie Low and Jonathan Micieli

Zoom link - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86214998019?pwd=WEJWSXpKYWtyS2hoZGxzaE8xMFU4Zz09

Passcode: nm8XfE


To review the Principles and Tools used to undertake Quality Improvement projects using examples from three projects done in 2020