Apr 19, 2024  |  7:30am - 8:30am
Grand Rounds / VPP

Grand Rounds/VPP - Normal and Abnormal Biomechanics of Extraocular Muscles

DOVS Grand Rounds/VPP

Topic:          Normal and Abnormal Biomechanics of Extraocular Muscles
Speaker:     Dr. Robert Clark

Zoom Link:   Register in advance for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_hJBw0xrUSbScd0i1H5xdcw

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1. Understand the effects of normal and abnormal extraocular muscle pulley locations
2. Understand the effects of normal and abnormal extraocular muscle compartmental contraction
3. Learn how to diagnose the most common cause of strabismus and diplopia in older adults