Assistant Professor

Esther Gonzalez

Ophthalmology & Vision Sciences


University Health Network - Toronto Western Hospital
399 Bathurst Street, FP 6-212, Toronto, Ontario Canada M5T 2S8
Research Interests
Visual Psychophysics, Binocular Vision, Binocular Rivalry, Eye Movements, Age-Related Macular Degeneration, Glaucoma, Low Vision Rehabilitation, Visual Illusions, Filling-in and Troxler Phenomena, Knowledge of Eye Position and Proprioception


  • MA University of Toronto 1978
  • PhD University of Toronto 1984

Research Synopsis

I am interested in studying: 1) The visual and ocular motor functions of patients with age-related macular degeneration with a view towards rehabilitation; 2) binocular integration in people who suffer from glaucoma given that recent findings have shown neurodegeneration of the body and splenium of the corpus callosum in these patients; 3) the visual function of children who have lost an eye at an early age and what it can tell us about brain plasticity with a special emphasis in binocular and ocular motor function; 4) filling-in, Troxler phenomena and visual illusions as important sources of information about visual processing; and 5) how the brain acquires and uses knowledge of eye position and proprioception.

Recent Publications

Steeves, J.K.E., Gonzalez, E.G., and Steinbach, M.J. Vision with one eye: A review of visual function following unilateral enucleation. Spatial Vision, in press.

Gonzalez, E. G., Weinstock, M., & Steinbach, M. J. (2007). Peripheral fading with monocular and binocular viewing. Vision Research, 47, 136-144.

Gonzalez, E. G., Tarita-Nistor, L., Markowitz, S. N., & Steinbach, M. J. Computer-Based Test To Measure Optimal Visual Acuity In Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 48, 4838-4845.

Niechwiej-Szwedo, E., Gonzalez E.G., Bahl, B., Verrier, M.C., Wong, A.M., & Steinbach, M.J. Manipulation of extraocular muscle afference has no effect on higher order perceptual judgments. Vision Research, 47, 3315-3323.

Tarita-Nistor, L., Gonzalez, E. G., Spigelman, A.J., & Steinbach, M. J. (2007). Linear Vection as a Function of Stimulus Eccentricity, Visual Angle, and Fixation. Journal of Vestibular Research, 16, 265-272.

Gonzalez, E. G., Teichman, J., Markowitz, S. N., Lillakas, L., & Steinbach, M.J. (2006). Fixation stability using radial gratings in patients with age-related macular degeneration. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology, 41, 333-339.