Lecturer  |  Clinician Teacher

Kylen McReelis

Ophthalmology & Vision Sciences


Sunnybrook Hospital
Research Interests
Community Quality Improvement, Health Care Policy Development, Faculty Development, Postgraduate Teaching


  • FRCS(C) University of Toronto 2005

Recent Publications

Weisbrod M, Wong A, McReelis K, Cao K, Kohly R. Faculty Development: A new model based on faculty needs for an academic department of Ophthalmology. Can J Opthal 2016 Jun:51(3) 190-1

Wong AM, McReelis KD, Sharpe J. Saccade dynamics in peripheral vs. central sixth nerve palsies. Neurology. 2006 May 9;66(9):1390-8.

Wong AM, McReelis KD, Sharpe J. Recovery of peripheral versus central nerves identified by saccadic velocity after abducens neuropathy. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2005 Apr;1039:417-29.

Parikh A, McReelis K, Hodges B. Student feedback in problem based learning: a survey of 103 final year students across five Ontario medical schools. Medical Education. 2001 Jul;35(7):632-6.



Department of Ophthalmology & Vision Sciences, University of Toronto
Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
Peterborough Regional Hospital
Past President Eye Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (EPSO)